Wednesday, March 04, 2009

OER Creating connections: content, users, tags

I'm in the Hewlett grantees meeting now and marveling all the work that has been done in the area of Open Educational Resources. I had a chance to present some of the work here that we are doing with OER. I focused on creating connections, which I think is one of the most important things for the content. Knowing how it all is connected together is important in order to make sense of all the small pieces of separate content. Here are the slides, I give a few explanations.

The LRE is an access point to 16 content providers who make resources available to teachers in Europe and elsewhere. It's pretty much like any conventional content portal, but we have added a social tagging and bookmarking tool on top of it.

A good part of the slides show how we can make connections between pieces of content from different repositories, and how those content pieces can bring users togeher across country and language borders. In the visualisations, the little dots (nodes) are resources that are connected to other resources or users through tags and bookmarks.

Moreover, I give a few pointers to research that we have done on creating better navigation to the content, evaluating whether it is efficient or not, and also looking into the quality of tags.

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