Monday, November 16, 2009

My degree of Doctor at Open Universiteit Nederland

" hereby receive all rights associated with the degree of Doctor either by law or custom"

My Doctorate Board and me with the degree and a huge smile - what a day!

From left Prof. dr. G. Conole, Prof. dr. A. Littlejohn, Prof. dr. B. Berendt , me, Prof. dr. P.B. Sloep, Prof. dr. E.J.R. Koper (supervisor), Prof. dr. J. van Marle (chairman) and Beadle E. Vinken. And no, even if I'm a doctor now, I don't get to wear a funny hat!

I thank everyone involved in my research and all who sent me kind wishes and congratulations!

Slides and PhD download


Anonymous said...

Paljon onnea Riina! Kuulin äsken yhden vanhan Skunk Anansien biisin ja tulit siitä mieleeni & rupesin katsomaan, mitä sulle kuuluu. Ja hienoa kuuluukin.
Kaikkea parasta sulle!

Pasi Siltakorpi said...

Suuret onnentoivotukset. Skål !

Unknown said...

Congrats Doctor Riina, way to go!
