30.July – 3.August 2012
Tallinn University, Tallinn, Estonia
Read more:
http://ifip-ost12.tlu.eeIn 2011, Tallinn (Estonia) is the European Cultural Capital. In 2012, Tallinn will host an IFIP open conference on “Open and Social Technologies for Networked Learning”. Sponsored by IFIP Working Group 3.4 (Professional Education), the conference is jointly organized by Tallinn University and University of Tampere (Finland).
Open and Social Technologies play an increasingly important role in many educational settings. Social technologies are naturally entering primary, secondary and higher education where they blur the boundaries between formal and informal learning. Social technologies also enter
the workplaces where they connect learners and bridge the boundaries between individual learning and organizational knowledge processes.
Not only do these technologies connect learners independent of place and time, they have also been found to exert emergent properties. For example, wikis or social tagging environments are increasingly used for collaborative knowledge construction where new knowledge emerges
from a large scale interaction of individuals. These properties and their impact on individual, group and organizational learning have only started to be researched.
Open Source Software (OSS) and Technologies have received extensive
research attention due to some favorable properties contrasting with a
traditional understanding of software development and the use of those
systems. Many OSS issues are motivations for OSS developers and
licensing bodies. However, important research areas in OSS are product
and implementation success and the use of OSS in different educational
and enterprise settings. OSS can also serve as a platform for
providing services to user communities. Especially in developing
countries, OSS provides an attractive opportunity.
We invite Contributions for the following topics
- Social Technologies in Education (Weblogs, Tagging, Wikis, Microblogging, Social Networking)
- Open Technologies in Education (Open Source Software, Standards, Licensing, Linked open Data)
- Technologies for networked learning (Personal Learning environments, Virtual Learning environments, Mobile Learning)
- Collaborative and networked learning (Collaborative Knowledge Building, Community-based Learning)
- Socio-Technical Systems and Digital Ecosystems in Education,
- Models and Networks (Learning Analytics and User Modelling, Emergent Properties, Social Network Analysis, Educational uses of data mining)
- Design, Development and Evaluation Methodologies for Open and Social Systems
- Application of Technologies in Educational Settings (Pre-School, Primary and Secondary Schools, Higher Education)
- Application of Technologies in Professional Education and the Workplace (Workplace Learning, Learning in Business Networks and Alliances, Learning and Knowledge Management, Learning and Innovation)
Revised full and short papers will be published in the Conference Book
to be published by Springer Publishers as a special volume in
accordance with the high standards associated with IFIP publications.
Important dates15 January 2012: Submission of long (8 pages) and short (4 pages)
papers, submission of symposia (2 page description)
28 February 2012: Notification of acceptance for long and short papers
and for symposia
15 March 2012: Submissions for Doctoral Consortium, Posters, Demos,
Discussion Groups
15 April 2012: Submission of Revised Camera Ready long and short
papers, Notification of acceptance Doctoral Consortium, Posters,
Demos, Discussion Groups
29 July 2012: Meeting of the Doctoral Consortium
30 July - 03 August 2012: Conference at Tallinn University
Conference Chairs
* Tobias Ley, Tallinn University, Estonia
* Mikko Ruohonen, University of Tampere, Finland
Local Organisation Chair
* Mart Laanpere, Tallinn University, Estonia
Chair of the Editorial Board
* Arthur Tatnall, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia