Monday, June 02, 2008

Resources country of origin and user mother tongue

This visualisation shows the links between the country, where the resources in the collections were created in, and the mother tongue of the users who had added them in their collections. You can explore the diagram by yourself.

This image here shows how, for example, resources created in Finland (the orange node in the network) have ended up in collections of users who speak Hungarian, Estonian, Lithuanian, etc. as their mother tongue.

Note that this graph does not make any assumption of the language in which these resources are in! If I'm right in my guess, most of these resources were in English, not in Finnish..

But anyhow, I find that as a demonstration that these resources can cross borders of some kind. In this case, a Finn has created the resource. It can be just a very little hint available in the design of the resource that it was a Finn, but still some of the underlying pedagogical assumptions or some hints of Finnish curriculum might be embedded in these resources. Nevertheless, or thanks to that, the resources created in Finland seem like a hit (they are in 8 different language groups).

Ok, to me more truthfully, I think this is because LeMill was create in Finland that many of the Finnish resources are shared.

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